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Análisis prospectivo de los bioinsumos agrícolas en Colombia: una consulta a expertos


Avellaneda, L., Zambrano, G., Corina, D., & Rebeca, R. (2015). Análisis prospectivo de los bioinsumos agrícolas en Colombia: una consulta a expertos. Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología, 17(2), 103-113.

Artículos científicos

Productivity and sustainability of agriculture in Colombia can be influenced positively through the use of biodiversity for the production of bioinoculants. They were analyzed in the medium and long term, the future scenarios generated by the regulations involved in the technological advancement of bio-products through the application of a Delphi survey, with the participation of 23 experts in bio-products, taking into account the three dimensions sustainable development. Based on this study, it was found that 65% of the experts believe that the impact of innovation and technological development of the use of bio- products in agricultural production, has a high economic impact with a significant level of agreement (≥0.05). Additionally, 65% selected as the best scenario, in which conditions that promote greater development, access and application of bio-products, so that the rate of adoption of technology is increased by the producers to make. In conclusion, beyond the level of technological development is necessary to revise the legislative process for the marketing of bio-products, it was clear that the future success of the industry in the production of biological products depend on the management of innovative enterprises, efficient marketing thereof, education and transfer to producers and the progress of the investigation.

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