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The labour content of Mexican manufactures, 2008 and 2012



This study presents estimates of the number of jobs created by Mexican exports of manufactured goods in 2008 and 2012 based on the input-output matrices developed by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). Data are given for direct labour (the labour needed to produce the exports) and indirect labour (the labour involved in producing the Mexican-made inputs embedded in those exports, plus the jobs created by all the indirect repercussions of the production of the intermediate goods that are incorporated into those exports). Employment in export production is disaggregated into manufacturing export sectors and sectors in which related jobs are created. In addition, since every export sector requires intermediate goods, some of which are produced in the same sector and some of which are produced in others, the indirect labour embedded in exports is divided into its intrasectoral and intersectoral components.

Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) - Biblioteca Hernán Santa Cruz

Héctor Aracena

Biblioteca CEPAL, Edificio Naciones Unidas, Av. Dag Hammarskjold 3477, Santiago, Chile

(+56-2) 2210-2337

Dirección: Av. Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador Edif. Olade - San Carlos, Quito - Ecuador.

Web: www.olade.org

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Correo: realc@olade.org

Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems