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Making dreams come true.- MDF training courses and your career development.- Branch offices MDF.- General course information: Courses in the Netherlands.- Managements skils course for international managers.- Project Management.- Project Management and programme administration.- Financial Management fot non-financial managers.- Quality Management in the public sector.- Management of project portfolios.- Logical framework in the project cycle: Planing.- Monitoring and Evaluation of project portfolios.- Leading Learning Organizations.- Human resources Management.- Ttaining of Trainers.- Facilitation Skills.

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

Cochabamba. Av. Santa Cruz No. 1274 y esquina Beni, Edificio Center, piso 3, Of. 3.

591-4-4280702 y

Biblioteca física 10:00 a 14:00.

Dirección: Av. Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador Edif. Olade - San Carlos, Quito - Ecuador.

Web: www.olade.org

Teléfonos: (593 2) 259 8122 / 2598 280

Correo: realc@olade.org

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