Africa & middle east: Confusion over start for South African poverty tariff Europe: Solarion begins CIS pilot production.- Italian PV feed - in tariff progressing despite hiccup Pfleiderer on the hunt for investor.- Austrian organic cell firm bought by Konarka.- Remuneration by zip code.- Salon's large - scale module for PV power plans.- Second modular inverter from Philips.- New technology for Sunway's NT series.- Exendis introduces its most powerful inverter yet.- PV glare blinds Greek pilots and grounds solar power growth. America: Bush moves to weaken renewables section of farm bill.- Chicago utility offering Pv rebates to its customers.- Bekaert says no to extra money for a - Si joint venture with ECD.- Photowatt helps ATS third-quarter earnings to rise.- Changes in New Jersey subsidy program back PV.- Global solar to add 1 MW to Tucson Electric's 2,4MW PV site.- Loves me, loves me not, loves me?.- Tearjerker or happy ending in California?. Asia - Pacific: South Korea says world crisis may delay solar roofs program.- RWE Schott gets 500 kW Thai solar farm contrat; expansion on hold.- A long and winding road. New products: New eccentric screw pumps from Bernt Lorentz.- Solar - Fabrik develops mounting for PV rooftop systems.- New Draka solar cables. Personalities: Change on the board of S.A.G. Solarstro AG. Worldwide: Once again, downwards.- A bullish PV year.- Deeper than blue.- Agood connection.
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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Cochabamba. Av. Santa Cruz No. 1274 y esquina Beni, Edificio Center, piso 3, Of. 3.
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Biblioteca física 10:00 a 14:00.