Propuesta para implementar una oficina de administración de proyectos en la unidad de la defensa pública del poder judicial de Costa Rica.
Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Gerencia de Proyectos) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Área Académica de Gerencia de Proyectos, 2018.
This work was developed with the objective of generate a proposal to implement a
project office in the Unidad de la Defensa Pública del Poder Judicial de Costa Rica (Public
Defense Unit of the Judicial Power of Costa Rica).
In the first chapter of this document, it ́s explained the environment where the
Unidad de la Defensa Pública (Public Defense Unit) works, mission, vision and values of
the unit, problem and justification of the investigation, objectives of the proposal, scope
and limitations.
The type of investigation used is qualitative due to the way in which the data were
obtained, for example, documentary analysis, expert analysis, interviews and
questionnaires. The study is transversal because it is carried out at a certain moment in
Because the proposal is for the Unidad de la Defensa Pública (Public Defense
Unit), the workers of this unit were the subjects of investigation, and as sources are used
different documents, some are the Strategic Plan of the Poder Judicial (Judicial Power)
and Unidad de la Defensa Pública (Public Defense Unit), the Methodological Guide and
the Constitution Act for the elaboration of projects of the Poder Judicial (Judicial Power)
and the feasibility study of a PMO in the Unidad de la Defensa Pública (Public Defense
After the documentary review, was possible to generate a table of findings, good
practices to be considered, existing gaps and finally the level of maturity was determined
in relation to the administration of projects in the Unidad de la Defensa Pública (Public
Defense Unit).
The implementation proposal for the creation of the PMO is presented, including
the estimated costs and implementation times.
The level of maturity for the Public Defense Unit is medium-low, based on the
information collected and the analyzes carried out.
The type of project office recommended for the Public Defense Unit is non-
permanent consultancy, among its main functions are the compliance and implementation
of the current methodology, prioritize and select projects, manage the portfolio of projects,
among others.
Finally, a series of recommendations are presented to consider to strengthen the
Project Methodology that currently exists in the Judicial Power.
Departamento de la Defensa Pública del Poder Judicial
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Lidia Gómez
Cartago - 300m Este del Estadio Fello Meza. Apartado 159-7050.
2550-2263, 2550-2365