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Propuesta didáctica para motivar, el uso de las Tics, dentro del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los docentes de las Especialidades Técnicas del C.T.P. de Cartagena Sección Nocturna. Circuito03, Dirección Regional Santa Cruz.


C.T.P. de Cartagena Sección Nocturna. Circuito03, Dirección Regional Santa Cruz

This research study is about a Proposal to motivate the implementation and use of the Tics, within the teaching process of the teachers of the Technical Specialties of the C.T.P. Of Cartagena Night Section. The implementation and use of TIC as a means of teaching in an educational environment leads to a teaching and learning method more striking and novel this in order to make students feel more motivated and their stay in the classroom is safer and interesting. According to this came the idea of doing this research study, which became a research problem, where it was documented through sources of information, which was chosen a subject population study that acts as an evaluator, in In this case, the teachers of the technical specialties of the CTP Of Cartagena Night Section and two students of each specialty. The accepted hypothesis is the acquisition of TIC skills by teachers facilitate the use of some teaching strategies with pedagogical use of TIC´s favoring student learning and pedagogical practice. It was designed the methodology that responds to the type of descriptive and qualitative research for the application of the scientific method, collected the data analyzed and tabulated, and expressed in graphs and gave the conclusions and recommendations pertinent to the study. It is concluded that strategies with computer use prevail to motivate, communicate information and support the teacher's explanations; The teachers are in the approach regarding the acquisition of basic concepts of TIC, make use of the iv computer and programs, integrate various technologies to support the activities and contents that are developed in the classroom, the recommendations to implement are a positive attitude towards the TIC from a critical perspective; Encourage research in the classroom; Permanent training in areas related to work performance and the pedagogical use of TIC.

Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Educación Técnica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Educación Técnica, 2017.

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

Lidia Gómez

Cartago - 300m Este del Estadio Fello Meza. Apartado 159-7050.

2550-2263, 2550-2365

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Correo: realc@olade.org

Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems