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Rediseño de la página web de la empresa LFS Advisory


Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Diseño Industrial, 2017.

The developed project consists on the redesign of the webpage of the company LFS Advisory; as part of their market relaunch strategy. This work was elaborated as part of the academic program from Tecnológico de Costa Rica, in order to opt for the Bachellor’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering. The report presents the stages of development, from the collection of information and usability tests, to the development of the proposal of the website interface.

LFS Advisory

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

Lidia Gómez

Cartago - 300m Este del Estadio Fello Meza. Apartado 159-7050.

2550-2263, 2550-2365

Dirección: Av. Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador Edif. Olade - San Carlos, Quito - Ecuador.

Web: www.olade.org

Teléfonos: (593 2) 259 8122 / 2598 280

Correo: realc@olade.org

Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems