Diseño de un plan de Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM) enfocado en las técnicas de Mantenimiento Autónomo, Control Visual y Metodología Cinco Eses (5S) en la planta productiva de Grupo Espartaco
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Espartaco CR, Metales Perf-Ex.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electromecánica, 2016.
This project was developed in the company Espartaco CR / Metales Perf-Ex located in the Industrial Zone of Curridabat was to develop a plan based on Total Productive Maintenance, autonomous maintenance, Five S and visual control. The aim of the study lay in lower maintenance intervention times in order to increase the availability of machines, as well as increase the available space in the production area.
In the diagnosis of the current situation it was determined that the availability of the expanded machine SP-160, which represents the most important factory, production of diamond blade 1/4 " was around 69%, an increase in costs ₡ 2 121.75 per slide from the ideal cost. In addition, the overall efficiency of expanded machines was around 58% on average.
The proposed solution is a system to reduce the most common production losses consist primarily of: support from operators in basic maintenance, increased space available through the eviction of unnecessary items, increased availability machinery by reducing intervention time and better inventory control.
They were able to identify opportunities for improvement in terms of possible space available in the factory, which would be about 63.59 m2, plus an increase in the overall availability of 2% in the first phase of implementation. It was possible increase in ₡ 1 200 000 override it selling scrap and autonomous maintenance manuals for future implementation were designed. The overall efficiency of 24% expanded machines increases with reduced downtime.
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Lidia Gómez
Cartago - 300m Este del Estadio Fello Meza. Apartado 159-7050.
2550-2263, 2550-2365