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Modelo de educación ambiental no formal para la protección de los humedales Bañó y Los Negros, Corregimiento de Cotocá Arriba, Municipio de Lorica, Colombia


This paper presents the methods, results and main conclusions of the research carried out as part of the international program DOCINADE to obtain the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences for Development. The principal objective of this study was to propose a non-formal environmental educational model for the protection of the Bañó and Los Negros wetlands, in Colombia, based on a territorial diagnosis, the identification of factors that influence negative behavior towards the environment, and establishing a pedagogical basis along with the foundational elements of the proposed model. To reach this objective, several qualitative and quantitative techniques were used: A) The characterization of social and economic aspects of the communities around the study zone and their capacity to organize themselves in order to interact with governmental y non-governmental agencies in the solution of environmental problems; B) The definition of how these communities are structured and their degree of development as a result of the perceptions and environmental culture acquired by the members of said structures; and C) The conceptualization of the foundational elements of a non-formal environmental participative educational model. The most meaningful results obtained were: A) Environmental education, in its different forms, should be seen as a means of preventing or mitigating negative alterations of the ecosystems and not just as a tool for environmental administration; B) The transformation of negative attitudes and aptitudes towards the environment into factors of positive change require collective sensitization for the development of responsible societies facing environmental crisis; and C) The analysis of a territorial base line, as well as the construct of educational theories regarding the elaboration of non-formal environmental educational models, are necessary for carrying out strategies of comprehension and the empowerment of community action on the basis of ecological ethics in order to resolve the detected environmental problems.

Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo con énfasis en Gestión y Cultura Ambiental). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo, 2017

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

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