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Diagnosis of water in the Americas




Considerations on the situation of water resources in Argentina. Water resources in Bolivia: a strategic viewpoint of the issues associated with transboundary waters. Water policy in Brazil. Water resources in Canada: a strategic view point. The water sector in Chile: status and challenges. The state of water resources in Colombia: an overview. Water resources in Costa Rica: a strategic view. Water resources in Cuba. Potable water and sanitation in the Dominica Republic. State of water in Guatemala. Water resouraces in Mexico. Water resources in Nicaragua. Water resources in Peru. The water resources of the United States and their management. Water management in Venezuela.

Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE) - Centro de Documentación

Blanca Guanocunga

Av. Mariscal Antonio José del Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador. Quito, Ecuador

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Web: www.olade.org

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