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Notes on Calera Kirkland and summary on diamond drilling and general sampling Rosita zone II



The area in question is an extensive zone of contact metamorphys mineralization limited on the north and south by limestone deposits. The topography is rough - The zone of mineralization follows a general north-west strike along a high ridge and extends to the west on low land and level country.

Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Centro de Documentación

Marjorie Montiel

Hospital Bautista, 1 C. Este, 1 Cuadra al Norte. Managua

2280-9500 al 09

De Lunes a Viernes de las 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Dirección: Av. Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador Edif. Olade - San Carlos, Quito - Ecuador.

Web: www.olade.org

Teléfonos: (593 2) 259 8122 / 2598 280

Correo: realc@olade.org

Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems