The role of multilateral development banks: catalyst for mobilization of resourcesPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Colombia: towards an effective electric sector, open to private participationPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Jamaica: energy policy directions for the 1990sPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Electricity, the fiscal crisis and the economic restructuringPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
The power sector in Trinidad and TobagoPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
The Mexican electric power sector: background, present situation, and outlookPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program Aburto, José Luis; Gómez-Mariles, Arturo; OLADEBanco Mundial; PNUD; OLADE; |
A political challenge for the nineties: how to overcome the power sector crisis in the latin american and caribbean countriesPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
A policy challenge for the 90s: overcoming the crisis of the power sector in latin american and caribbean countriesPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Mobilization of resources: the investor's point of viewPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Privatization of the power sector in the UKPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
The chilean model for the organization of the electric sectorPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Alternative forms of private participation: traditional and new modelsPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Pricing and complementary policy options for sustainable electricity development in Latin America and the CaribbeanPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Policy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Efficient use of capital: a business perspectivePolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Definition and description of management indexesPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Efficiency improvement through modernizationPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Efficiency in a state electric system: the plan contract in FrancePolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Implementing reform: strategy and tacticsPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program |
Management of electric power utilities and economic development in Latin America and the CaribbeanPolicy challenge for the nineties: overcoming the electric power crisis of Latin America and the CaribbeanEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program Sánchez-Sierra, Gabriel; Gomelsky, Roberto; OLADEBanco Mundial; PNUD; OLADE; |