Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Research to support the development of energy efficient, low -polluting automobiles. LBL-. Levine, Marc D ...[et. al.].; Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Impacts of water heater efficiency increases : variability among households. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Lutz, James D ... [et. al.].; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Engineering analyses of appliance efficiency improvements. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Turiel, Isaac ... [et. al.].; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Analysis of federal appliance efficiency standards. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; McMahon, J.E ... [et. al.].; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Cost and performance of european DSM programs. LBL-. Vine, E.; Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Improving the practice of DSM program evaluation. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Sonnenblick, R. Eto, Joseph H.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Past, present and future of utilitu DSM programs. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Eto, Joseph H. Hirst, Eric. Goldman, C.. Wiel, S.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Money well-spent : the cost and measured performance of the largest commercial sector utility DSM programs. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Eto, Joseph H. Kito, S. Shown, L.J. Sonnenblick, R.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Uncertainty and implicit discount rates in energy-efficiency investments. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Sanstad, A.H.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Transforming markets for efficient chillers and motor systems. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; McKane, A.. Harris, J.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Magnetic fluorescent ballasts : market data, market imperfections, and policy success. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Koomey, Jonathan G.. Sanstad, A.H.. Shown, L.J.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Efficiency improvements in U.S. office equipment : expected policy impacts and uncertainties. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Koomey, Jonathan G.. Cramer, M.. Piette, Mary Ann. Eto, Joseph H.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Energy efficiency in China's cement industry. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Sinton, Jonathan E.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Energy conservation policy in China. LBL-. Wang, Q.Y.. Sinton, Jonathan E. Levine, Marc D.; Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; |
Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Energy efficiency improvement utilising high technology : an assessment of energy use in industry and buildings. LBL-. Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Levine, Marc D. Martin, Nathan. Price, L.. Worrell, E.; |