Electric power sector reform in Latin America and the Caribbean. BID IFM Working Papers Dussan, Manuel I.; BID. Infrastructure and Financial Markets Division; |
Elementos estratégicos para el sector energía en América Latina y el Caribe Millán, Jaime; Sujoy, Jaime; Valencia, Carlos A.; Vaughn, William; Beato, Paulina; Westley, Glenn D.; Fisher, Steven; Uribe, Evamaría; Manrique, Roberto; Chrisney, Martin; Arroyo, Gonzalo; Planas, Alexandra; BID. Infrastructure and Financial Markets Division; |
The second generation of power exchanges: lessons for Latin America Millán, Jaime; BID. Infrastructure and Financial Markets Division; |
The future of large dams in Latin America and the Caribbean: IDB's energy strategy for the region Millán, Jaime; BID. Infrastructure and Financial Markets Division; |
Retail competition in electricity. BID Technical Studies Beato, Paulina; Fuente, Carmen; BID. Infrastructure and Financial Markets Division; |