Externalities of energy : Swedish implementation of the ExternE methodology |
Modest : an energy-system optimisation model applicable to local utilities and countries. J-0445. Energy. |
Evaluación del ciclo de vida : crítica y una aplicación. Congreso Mundial sobre Contaminación del Aire en Países en Vías de Desarrollo [ 21-26 Oct. 1996 : San José]. |
Electricity economics : the short-run marginal cost pricing quandary. OPEC Bulletin. |
Eco-labelling : actual effects of selected programmes. OCDE/GD. Energy Efficiency Product Labeling Training and Study Tour for Latin America and the Caribbean. |
Electricity end-use and new generation technologies, and their planning implications. Challenge of choices : technology options for the Swedish electricity sector. |
Electricity end-use and new generation technologies, and their planning implications. Biomass gasification for gas turbine power generation. |
Electricity end-use and new generation technologies, and their planning implications. Role of sectoral shift in trends in electricity use in United States and Swedish manufacturing and in comparing forecasts. |
Electricity end-use and new generation technologies, and their planning implications. Electrotechnologies and steelmaking. |
Electricity : efficient end-use and new generation technologies and their planning implications. Building design and electricity use in single-family houses. |
Electricity : efficient end-use and new generation technologies and their planning implications. Use of electricity in commercial buildings. |
Introducción a la energía nuclear en un sistema eléctrico. Energía del Fuego al Atomo. |
Summary of energy in the built environment : the way forward to the 1990s. |