La energía y el mundo en desarrollo: la necesidad de nuevas modalidades de asociación. Perspectivas Economicas |
Alternativas energéticas para el desarrollo de asentamientos rurales ambientalmente sostenibles. J. Energía. Borroto Bermúdez, Anibal. Borroto Nordelo, Anibal. Vázquez Montiel, Oscar.; |
Economic issues of renewable energy systems : a guide to project planning. |
Electricity system performance: options and opportunities for developing countriesCooperative Programme on Energy and Development Oliveira, Adilson de; Comisión de las Comunidades EuropeasComisión de las Comunidades Europeas; |
Adjustment in oil-importing developing countries: a comparative economic analysis |
Accounting for traditional fuel production: the household energy sector and its implications for the development process. World Bank Industry and Energy Department Working Papers. Energy Series Papers Paskin, Henry M.; Floor, Willem; Barnes, Douglas F.; Banco Mundial. Industry and Energy Department; |
A study of the transfer of petroleum fuels pollution. World Bank Industry and Energy Department Working Papers. Energy Series Papers McKeough, Kay; Banco Mundial. Industry and Energy Department; |
Energy price increases in developing countries: case studies of Colombia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Zimbabwe. World Bank PR Working Papers |
Electricity economics: essays and case studies; L'economîe de l'electricité: essais et etudes de cas; Electricidad y economía: ensayos y estudios de casos |
Power generation options: rehabilitation for life extension and cogeneration Naciones Unidas. Department for Development Support and Management Services. Energy Branch; |
China: power sector regulation in a socialist market economy. World Bank Discussion Papers Shiwei, Shao; ed.; Zhengyong, Lu; ed.; Berrah, Noureddine; ed.; Tenenbaum, Bernard; ed.; Jiamping, Zhao; ed.; Banco Mundial; |
Phasing out lead from gasoline: world-wide experience and policy implications. World Bank Environment Department Papers; World Bank Pollution Management Series Lovei, Magda; Banco Mundial. Environmentally Sustainable Development; |
Dealing with climate change: policies and measures in IEA members countries |
Proceedings of the International Conference. Assessment of international mitigation costing studies in developing countries. Conference on National Action to Mitigate Global Climate Change [7-9 jun. 1994, Copenhaguen]. Halsnaes, Kirsten.; UNEP. Collaborating Centre On Energy and Environment.; |
Energy and sustainable development: case studies. Background Paper Naciones Unidas. Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales; |
Basic electrification for rural households: experience with the dissemination of small-scale photovoltaic systems, a guidebook for decisionmakers, planners and suppliers Biermann, Eberhard; Corvinus, Friedemann; Herberg, Tilman; Höfling, Horst; Lorenz, James; trad.; Agencia Alemana de Cooperación Técnica; |
Workshop on energy data of developing countriesColloque sur les données énergétiques dans les pays en développement International Energy Agency; International Energy Agency; OCDEOCDE; |