Plan de desarrollo región 1 : Esmeraldas, Carchi, Imbabura Ecuador. Instituto Ecuatoriano de Recursos Hidraúlicos, INERHI; Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo, CONADE; |
Capital expenditures for electric power in the developing countries in the 1990's |
Barbados development plan 1983 - 1988 : change plus growth |
Balance energético como herramienta de planificación. |
Energy planning in developing countries. |
Energy and transportation in Latin America : the socio-economic basis. |
National energy planning for developing countries. Cirillo, Richard R.; Center for International Energy Development. Energy and Environmental Systems Division. Argonne National Laboratory.; |
Energy and economic development planning : applications for Costa Rica. Baguant, Jawaharlall.; University of Tennessee. Center for International Research and Development.; |
Energy demand : analysis, management and conservation. Energy conservation in the industrial sector. ERG Review. |
Energy demand : analysis, management and conservation. ERG Review. International Development Research Centre. United Nations University. Energy Research Group.; Desai, Ashok V, ed.; |
Plan de acción Latinoamericano y del Caribe sobre energización para un desarrollo rural sostenible. |
Lagos plan of action for the economic development of Africa 1980 - 2000 |