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Result - 390 Documents

Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Cost and performance of european DSM programs. LBL-.

Vine, E.; Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.;

Energy analysis program : 1995 annual report. Improving the practice of DSM program evaluation. LBL-.

Berkeley National Laboratory. Energy and Environmental Division.; Sonnenblick, R. Eto, Joseph H.;

Challenge of cold climates. Renewable Energy World.

Ross, Michael. Martel, Sylvain. Usher, Eric.;

How benchmarking goes wrong, and how to do it right : case study. Planning Review.

Pryor, Lawrence S.. Katz, Steven J.;

Falling generation costs, environmental externalities and the economics of electricity conservation. Energy Policy.

Parfomak, Paul W.;

Cost-benefit analysis on IRP/DSM application : a case study in Shanghai. Energy Policy.

Deshun, Liu. Youhong, Wang. Aiming, Zhou.;

Why energy conservation fails. J. Energy-Stanford.

Annual review of energy and the environment. Energy-efficiency and the economics of pollution abatement.

Anderson, Dennis.;

Costo-efectividad de las diferentes medidas para reducir la emisión de contaminantes de los vehículos automotores para el año 2010. Congreso Mundial sobre Contaminación del Aire en Países en Vías de Desarrollo [ 21-26 Oct. 1996 : San José].

Nevin, Michael.;

Power plant rehabilitation and efficiency improvements. Seminario Centroamericano y del Caribe sobre Energía Eléctrica [29 Ago.-1 Set. 1988, San José].

Duvall, Ken.;

Transportation and energy : strategies for a sustainable transportation system. Consumer surplus analysis of market-based demand management policies in Southern California.

Cameron, Michael.;

Transportation and energy : strategies for a sustainable transportation system. Emission reductions of alternative-fuel vehicles : implications for vehicle and fuel price subsidies.

Quanlu Wang, Michael.;

State of the art of energy efficiency : future directions. Electric utility conservation programs : a review of the lessons taught by a decade of program experience.

Vine, Edward, ed. Nadel, Steven. Crawley, Drury, ed.; American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Universidad de California. Universitywide Energy Research Group.;

Reducción gradual del plomo en las gasolineras en América Latina : políticas y estrategias subregionales para mejorar la calidad de los combustibles.


Seminario de evaluación privada y social de proyectos. Seminario de Evaluación Privada y Social de Proyectos [ 25 feb.-1 Mar. 1991 : San José, C.R.].

INCAE. Universidad de California. Laboratorio NAcional de los Alamos.;

Environmental externalities and social optimality in biomass markets : waste-to-energy in the Netherlands and biofuels in France. Energy Policy.

Vollebergh, Herman.;

Waste not, want not : the private and social costs of waste-to-energy production. Energy Policy.

Miranda, Marie Lynn. Hale, Brack.;

Feasibility of using wind-pumps in Zimbabwe. Wind Engineering.

Siddig, Mohammed H.;

My education in mineral -especially oil- economics. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment.

Adelman, M.A.;

Energizing finance understanding the land scapeView Record
Nationally determinated contributions under de Paris Agreement.View Record
Nuclear energy for a net zero worldView Record
World energy outlook 2021View Record
Nationally determined contributions across the Americas. A comparative hemispheric analysis.View Record
Código de Instalaciones Eléctricas de NicaraguaView Record
Economía ambiental : una introducción.View Record
Apuntes para un manual técnico de diseño, estandarización y fabricación de equipos para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas. Turbinas Michell - BankiView Record
Informe de estadísticas energéticas = Energy statistics report 2012View Record
Manual estadística energética 2017 = Energy statistics manual 2017View Record

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