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Result - 47 Documents

Introducing change to transportation and energy systems : the case of alcohol fuels. Transportation Planning and Technology.

Sperling, Daniel.;

Cars and climate change. Energy and the environment series.

International Energy Agency. OCDE.;

Introduction to energy and the environment.

Lui, Paul I.;

Greenish machine : on the road to reduced CO2 emissions via higher fuel economy and alternative fuels..

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.; DeCicco, John M.;

Combining vehicle efficiency and renewable biofuels to reduce light vehicle oil use and CO2 emissions.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.; DeCicco, John M. Lynd, Lee.;

Energy efficiency and fuel substitution in the cement industry with emphasis on developing countries. World Bank Technical Paper.

Fog, Mogens H. Nadkarni, Kishore L.; Banco Mundial.;

Fuels and feedstocks from tropical biomass. CEER-B. Symposium Fuels and Feedstocks from Tropical Biomass [24-25 Nov. 1980 : San Juan, Puerto Rico].

UPR Center for Energy and Environment Research.;

Cogeneration of electricity and heat from biogas.

Jewell, W.J. Koelsch, R.K. Cummings, R.J.;

Food or fuel : new competition for the world's cropland. Worldwatch paper.

Brown, Lester R.;

Curso de administraçao energética e desenvolvimento. Curso de Administraçao Energética e Desenvolvimento [II Mar. 1983 : Sâo Paulo, Brasil].

Fundaçao do Desenvolvimento Administrativo.;

Energy balances in the production and end-use of alcohols derived from biomass : a fuel-specific comparative analysis of alternate ethanol production cycles.

TRW. Energy Systems Planning Division.;

Confronting climate change. Transportation developing nations : managing the institutional and technological transition to a low-emissions future.

Mint, Irving M. Sathaye, Jayant. Walsh, Michael P.;

Your car and the environment : an environmental guide for owners and drivers of cars, vans, trucks and other motor vehicles.

Estados Unidos. Agencia de Protección Ambiental.;

Assessing alternative liquid fuels using net energy criteria. Energy.

Baines, J.T. Peet, N.J.;

Etanol como sustituto del tetraetilo de plomo en las mononaftas.

Gotelli, Carlos A.; Cámara de Alcoholes.;

Evolución y perspectivas regionales de las fuentes alternas no convencionales de energía. Conferencia Centroamericana sobre Energía y Desarrollo [25-27 Mar. 1981 : Tegucigalpa, Honduras].

Ingram, W. Ludwing.;

Cementos INCSA.

Alternative fuels and the environment.

Sterrett, Frances S.;

Influencia de los combustibles de vehículos en las emisiones atmosféricas.

Rideout, Greg ... [et al.].; Asociación Regional de Empresas de Petróleo y Gas Natural en Latinoamérica y El Caribe, ARPEL.;

Energizing finance understanding the land scapeView Record
Nationally determinated contributions under de Paris Agreement.View Record
Nuclear energy for a net zero worldView Record
World energy outlook 2021View Record
Nationally determined contributions across the Americas. A comparative hemispheric analysis.View Record
Código de Instalaciones Eléctricas de NicaraguaView Record
Economía ambiental : una introducción.View Record
Apuntes para un manual técnico de diseño, estandarización y fabricación de equipos para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas. Turbinas Michell - BankiView Record
Informe de estadísticas energéticas = Energy statistics report 2012View Record
Manual estadística energética 2017 = Energy statistics manual 2017View Record

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