Report of the regional expert consultation on gender and wood energy in Asia Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Argricultura y la alimentación, FAO; |
Energy statistics of non-OECD countries = statistiques de l' energie des pays non-membres 2001 - 2002 International Energy Agency; Organisation for economic co - operation and development; |
Energy balances of non - OECD countries = Bilans energetiques des pays non-membres 2000 - 2001 International Energy Agency; Organisation for Economic Co - operation and Development; |
Regulations to control ozone depleting substances : a guidebook Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, UNEP; Mutilateral Fund for the Implementacion of the Montreal Protocol; Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI; |
Survey of economic and social developments in the ESCWA region : summary |
Towards harmonization of environmental standards in the energy sector of Escwa member states |
Regional approach for disseminating renewable energy technologies : the progress achieved in initiating and activating the renewable energy promotion mechanism |
Regional approach for disseminating renewable energy technologies : the regional renewable energy profile |
Profile of energy sector activities of the World Bank in Europe and Central Asia Region : country profiles |
International outlook of demand and supply of petroleum products : Asia Japan. The Institute of Energy Economics; The Energy Data and Modelling Center; |
Procedings of the APERC conference on energy demand and supply outlook in the Asian Pacific Region |