Karl Walther Ziegler un ejemplo en la Academia y en la vida. Baumann, NestorDireccion Nacional de Mineria y Geologia, Museo Geologico del Uruguay; |
Keeping it green : tropical forestry opportunities for mitigating climate change |
Keeping the lights on power sector reform in Latin America. Millán, Jaime, ed.. Fehr, Nils-Henrik M. von der, ed..; Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.; |
Keeping the lights on: power sector reform in Latin America |
Kenya electricity tariff study Banco Mundial. Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department. Central Projets Staff; |
Kerosene stores: their performance, use and constraints. World Bank Industry and Energy Department Working Papers. Energy Series Papers Floor, Willem; Plas, Robert van der; Banco Mundial. Industry and Energy Department; PNUD; |