Pass through of power purchase costs : regulatory challenges and international practices |
The real world of power sector regulation. World Bank Public Policy for the Private Sector |
China: power sector regulation in a socialist market economy. World Bank Discussion Papers Shiwei, Shao; ed.; Zhengyong, Lu; ed.; Berrah, Noureddine; ed.; Tenenbaum, Bernard; ed.; Jiamping, Zhao; ed.; Banco Mundial; |
Governance and regulation of power pools and system operators: an international comparison. World Bank Technical Papers Barker, James; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Woolf, Fiona; Banco Mundial; |
Regulating transmission: why system operators must be truly independent. World Bank Public Policy for the Private Sector Note Arizu, Beatriz; Dunn, William H.; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Banco Mundial; |
The real world of power sector regulation. World Bank Public Policy for the Private Sector Note |
Regulation by contract: a new way to privatize electricity distribution ?. World Bank Working Papers Bakovic, Tonci; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Woolf, Fiona; Banco Mundial; |
Pass through of power purchase costs, regulatory challenges and international practices. World Bank Energy and Mining Sector Board Discussion Papers Maurer, Luiz; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Arizu, Beatriz; Banco Mundial. Energy and Mining Sector Board; |
The California power crisis: lessons for developing countries. World Bank Energy and Mining Sector Board Discussion Papers Besant-Jones, John; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Banco Mundial. Energy and Mining Sector Board; |
Transmission system operators: lessons from the frontlines. World Bank Energy and Mining Sector Board Discussion Papers Arizu, Beatriz; Dunn, William H.; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Banco Mundial. Energy and Mining Sector Board; |
Regulation by contract: a new way to privatize electricity distribution ?. World Bank Energy and Mining Sector Board Discussion Papers Bakovic, Tonci; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Woolf, Fiona; Banco Mundial. Energy and Mining Sector Board; |
The Delhi electricity discom privatizations: some observations and recommendations for future privatizations in India and elsewhere. World Bank Energy and Mining Sector Board Discussion Papers Agarwal, Manish; Alexander, Ian; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Banco Mundial. Energy and Mining Sector Board; |
Enseñanzas de la crisis de energía de California |
Electrification and regulation: principles and a model law. World Bank Energy and Mining Sector Board Discussion Papers Reiche, Kilian; Tenenbaum, Bernard; Torres, Clemencia; Banco Mundial. Energy and Mining Sector Board; |