Trash, traffic and taxes : elements of market-based pollution policy. Tellus Institute.; Bernow, Stephen. Peters, Irene. Ackerman, Frank.; |
Energy innovations : a prosperous path to clean environment. |
Can we get there from here? : the challenge of restructuring the electricity industry so that all can benefit. Stutz, John ... [et al.].; Tellus Institute. Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation.; |
Corporate environmental performance indicators : a benchmark survey of business decision makers. |
Policies and measures to reduce CO2 emissions in the United States : analysis of options through 2010. Bernow, Stephen ... [et al.].; Tellus Institute. Stockholm Environment Institute.; |
Projection of future market-based prices for air emissions : consequences for renewable and demand-side management resources. |
Critique of FERC'S new merger guidelines : implications for analyzing market power, mergers and deregulation. |
A point-counterpoint analysis of major restructuring issues : paper summary. |
Study of the impacts of EPA phase II SO2 and NOx emissions standards on electrical generation facilities in the ECAR region. |
ECO : the energy conservation model for utility conservation program analysis multi-resource impacts, air emissions reductions, and benefit-cost calculations, model documentation. Tellus Institute.; Biewald, Bruce. Henricks, Sarah. Pen, Loh.; |
Financial economics and renewable energy. NARUC-DOE National regulatory Conference on Renewable Energy [3-6 Oct. Georgia]. |
Social cost analysis of alternative fuels for light vehicules. Transportation and Energy [22-25 Ago. 1993, California]. |
Energy implications of integrated solid waste management systems. |
Valuation of environmental externalities : sulfur dioxide and greenhouse gases. Tellus Institute.; Biewald, Bruce. Bernow, Stephen. Gurney, Kevin.; |
Avoided emissions and environmental dispatch. Demand-Side Management and the Global Environment [22-23 Abr. 1991, Virginia]. |
Modelling fuel cycle and site-dependent environmental impacts in electric resource planning. OECD-IEA Expert Workshop on the Environmental Impacts of Energy Systems, Life Cycle Analysis : Methods and Experience [18-19 May. 1992, Paris]. Tellus Institute.; Bernow, Stephen. Biewald, Bruce. Wolcott, David R.; |
Valuation of environmental externalities for energy planning and operations : may 1990 update. |
Gas substitution in electric utility DSM : a case study for Long Island. National Demand-Side Management Conference [5, Jul. 1991]. |