Review of selected areas of research on the Caribbean subregion in the 2000s: identifying the main gaps Alleyne, Dillon; Hendrickson, Michael; Seuleiman, Océane; Dookie, Michele; Lugay, Beverly; Sergeant, Kelvin; |
Consumer confidence and economic growth: case studies of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago |
The relationship between fiscal and current account balances in the Caribbean |
Inflation and the variability of relative prices in the Caribbean: evidence from panel threshold models |
Preliminary overview of the Caribbean economies: 2010- 2011 Seuleiman, Océane; Edwards, Stefan; Dookie, Michele; Lugay, Beverly; Hendrickson, Michael; Alleyne, Dillon; Sergeant, Kelvin; |
Creative industries in the Caribbean: a new road for diversification and export growth Hendrickson, Michael; Lugay, Beverly; Mulder, Nanno; Alvarez, Mariano; Pérez Caldentey, Esteban; |
Consumer confidence and economic growth: case studies of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago |
Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2010-2011: improving economic prospects amid global recovery Lugay, Beverly; Dookie, Michele; Seuleiman, Océane; Sergeant, Kelvin; Hendrickson, Michael; Alleyne, Dillon; |