Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Air pollution projection methodologies : integrating emission projections with energy forecasts.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Environmental improvement and energy efficiency in buildings : opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Environmental benefits of energy efficiency : impact of Washington state residential energy codes on greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Emissions impacts of demand-side programs : what have we achieved so far and how will recent policy decisions change program choices?.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Global climate change issue : what it is, where it is going, and how it will impact utility DSM.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Consideration of environmental externality costs in electric utility resource selections and regulation.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Conserving energy to reduce SO2 emissions in Ohio : an evaluation using a multiobjective electric power production costing model.
Energy efficiency and the environment : forging the link. Building energy consumption and the environment : what past, present, and future commercial buildings energy consumption surveys can tell us about chlorofluorocarbons.
Apuntes para un manual técnico de diseño, estandarización y fabricación de equipos para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas. Turbinas Michell - BankiView Record
Informe de estadísticas energéticas = Energy statistics report 2012View Record
Manual estadística energética 2017 = Energy statistics manual 2017View Record
Address:Av. Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador Edif. Olade - San Carlos, Quito - Ecuador.