Copalar Hydroelectric Project - Phase 2A. River Crossing - General Concept |
Copalar Feasibility Study - Vol.III. Annexure - Bore Hole, Test Trench and Test Pit Logs. |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project on the Rio Grande de Matagalpa - Section II Financial Implications of Copalar. |
Copalar Feasibility Study - Vol.III. Appendix D - Geotechnical Investigations. |
Copalar Feasibility Study. Vol.V - Appendices: H- Construction; Planning and Cost estimating; J- Cost of Alternative Thermal Power; K-Economics Studies. Canadian International Project Managers. Agri-Science And Resource Development Inc. ; |
Copalar Hydro - electric. Project Site Investigation 1977. Laboratory Investigation of Soil Properties. |
Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Copalar - Información General. Agri-Science and Resource Development. Canadian International Project Managers. ; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project: Contract No.C1 Civil Works - Volumen Two Canadian International Project Managers. Montreal Engineering Company. ; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project - Contract No.C2 Hydraulic Turbines Governors. Volume One. Montreal Engineering Company. ; Canadian International Project Managers; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project. Contract No.C4 Transformers Montreal Engineering Company. ; Canadian International Project Managers; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project. Contract No. C6 Spillway and Diversion Model Study - Volume One. Montreal Engineering Company. ; Canadian International Project Managers; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project - Site Information. Volume A y B. Montreal Engineering Company. ; Canadian International Project Managers; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project - Environmental Studies Term of Reference and proposed 1978 Program. Montreal Engineering Company ; Canadian International Project Managers; |
Copalar Hydroelectric Project - Environmental Studies Phases I and II. Montreal Engineering Company. ; Canadian International Project Managers; |